Algorithmic Campaigns

We navigate the complex landscape of streaming algorithms to boost your music's discoverability, ensuring your rhythms resonate with a wider organic audience.

Algorithmic Campaigns
About the service

In the world of streaming, visibility is currency, and Lodge's Algorithmic Campaigns are your investment in a booming market. By understanding and leveraging the algorithms, we ensure to your music an organic growth and the opportunity to surf the wave for an undetermined time.

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How it works

Thanks to unparalleled studies of the algorithm, we drive the artists through a unique journey aiming to activate playlists as Radio, Discover Weekly, Release Radar or On Loop.

We plan a live call together for analyzing the profile through Spotify for Artists, looking for your strengths and weaknesses. Once we have clear ideas, we move forward to define an editorial plan, in order to schedule daily tailored contents and trigger the algorithm. Constant updates will help you and your team to read datas in a proper way, and use them to enhance the algorithm performance step by step.

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Our Algorithmic Campaigns have a track record of hitting the right notes.

Just ask the electro-pop artist who saw her new release double its listeners in a week, or the indie band that landed on a coveted 'Discover Weekly' playlist, boosting their monthly streams by 250%. These wins are a testament to Lodge's mastery in translating streaming data into actionable strategies, ensuring your music doesn't just reach new ears—it resonates with them.

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