Targeted Campaigns

We create focused promotions on TikTok, Meta and Youtube that connect your music with audiences predisposed to love your sound.

Targeted Campaigns
About the service

In the world of music, reaching the right ears is as crucial as hitting the right notes. That's where Lodge's Targeted Campaigns come in. By delving into the rich sea of listener data and behavior patterns, we create promotions that are not just heard but felt.

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How it works

The journey of Lodge’s Targeted Campaigns begins with a deep dive into data. We start by analyzing listener trends and behaviors, dissecting the vast digital landscape to identify your potential fanbase. This isn't just about numbers; it's about understanding the people behind the play counts - what they love, where they hang out online, and how they interact with music like yours.

Next, we shift gears into strategic planning. Armed with insights, we design a campaign that speaks directly to your identified audience. This could mean anything from tailored ads on social media to featured placements on streaming platforms. Every step is calculated and designed to resonate with your audience, ensuring that when they hear your music, it feels like discovering a new favorite.

Finally, we launch and monitor. This is where the magic happens. As your music begins to reach the ears it was meant for, we track engagement in real time. This allows us to refine and adjust our approach, ensuring not just initial impact but sustained growth and engagement. It's a dynamic process, constantly evolving just like the music industry itself.

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Lodge’s Targeted Campaigns have been instrumental in elevating artists to new heights. Take, for instance, a hip-hop artist who was struggling to break through the digital barrier.

Our targeted approach led to a 250% increase in his streaming figures, with his tracks gaining significant traction on major streaming platforms. This boost in visibility translated into tangible outcomes, including a record label interest and an increase in gig bookings. It’s a testament to the power of reaching the right audience at the right time.

Another example is an indie rock band whose unique sound was getting lost in the online shuffle. After implementing a tailored campaign, they saw a 180% increase in online engagement, with their latest single receiving widespread acclaim. The campaign not only brought them to the forefront of their genre but also established a loyal fanbase eager for their next release. These stories highlight the transformative impact of The Lodge’s Targeted Campaigns, propelling artists into the limelight and fostering sustainable growth in their careers.

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